On top of the work performed, the ECC-SMART Project will also participate and organize Events!
Save the date for the following ECC-SMART organized or related events
Webinar #95: Advances and GIF Activities in SCWR Development
The International Symposium on SCWRs is providing a forum for researchers, engineers, as well as industrial professionals to present...
Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) is vital for the safe operation of current nuclear power plants and important for the development...
The objective of this workshop organized by ECC-SMART in collaboration with EERA-Joint Programme of Nuclear Materials and the participation...
The EU-funded ECC-SMART project is addressing this challenge by assessing the feasibility of a small modular reactor cooled by...
Finland (Helsinki), 24-29 September 2022 The conference programme will revolve around a series of Plenary Sessions dedicated to the latest...
France (Avignon), 19-22 September 2022 The International Symposium Fontevraud 10, as for the previous editions, will be dedicated to...
Slovenia (Pororož), 12-15 September 2022 The Nuclear Society of Slovenia in association with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Training...
Germany (Berlin), 28 Aug-1 Sept 2022 The EUROCORR local conference organising committee is pleased to invite you to the European...
China (Shenzen)/virtual, 8-12 August 2022 The 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering will be held in Shenzhen, China on...
USA, 17-21 July 2022 The 20th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactor meeting...
Russia (Moscow), Postponed to 2023 Development and management of human resources in the nuclear field is one of the...
The ECC-SMART Project will organize some specific training events too. They will be planned in parallel to the Workshops...
A specific workshop dedicated to the particularities of the thermalhydraulics and the neutronics of the SCW-SMR concept. We shall...
A specific workshop dedicated to the research in materials subjected to SCW conditions will be organized in 2023. We...
ECC-SMART will participate and co-organize the ISSCWR#10 and #11. The 10th edition will finally happen in virtual format due...
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